An AdWords search campaign is the most common campaign made on Adwords. It provides an extreme amount of value not only to google(who gets paid per impression/click) but to any business owner wanting more customers. It uses the Google Search Engine to display your “Ad Copy” on the “Keywords” or phrases you have targeted.
How it Works
The AdWords bid market is a real-time algorithm that google uses to determine the rank of a customer’s ad. It takes into consideration the bid amount, quality score, keyword targeted and other smaller variables.
It all starts with a user googling something.
The top result has a little box that says “AD” to indicate that it’s a search ad. The second result is what’s called an “Organic Result”.
How to Set Up an AdWords Search Campaign
- From the “Campaigns” section on the dashboard
- Click the Red +CAMPAIGN button
- Click “Search Network Only”
- After naming your campaign, Click “All Features” for every hidden feature and metric to be available.
- In Networks, Click “Include Search Partners”
- In Locations, Enter where you want your Ad to target.
- In Bid Strategy, Enter budget for both your bid and daily maximum amount spent.
- In Ad extensions, Pick What you require, For more info on ad extensions,
Ad Scheduling > choose what time you want your Ads to show. To make bid adjustments based on timing, check out our latest video here.
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