
What are Backlinks?

“What are Backlinks?”You may ask, well Backlinks are the most common phrases used when talking about SEO as well as one of the most important signals your website can have.

A backlink is a link on someones website leading back to your website in simplistic terms. Anytime you add your URL to another website, that is considered a backlink, there are different types of backlinks that perform and attain certain goals.

Do-Follow Backlink: A do follow backlink is a link that does link back to your site that is allowed to be by the website owner

It looks like something like this:”<a href=”http://www.marketingbooker.com”>SEO 101</a>”

No-Follow Backlink: A no follow backlink is a link that does not link back to your site, The no follow tag lets search engines know that the owner of the site doesn’t want to link back your site.

It looks something like this”<a href=”http://www.marketingbooker.com” rel=”nofollow”>SEO 101</a>”

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